Friday, December 08, 2006


No TV and No Beer Make Homer... Something, Something

I always suspect that those I love will one day betray me.

But I didn’t see this one coming.

My TV has died.

Well, she’s not dead, but she’s dying. My 42-inch rear projection Mitsubishi has decided to just shoot colors all over the place. Everything now looks like a 3-D move watched without the red and blue glasses.

She’s young, too. Just over four-years-old. So tragic… and so just past her warranty.

My five stages of grief:
Denial: “This can’t be happening. Maybe if I turn it off and on a few times it will fix itself.”
Anger: “How much just to come out and look at it?! Why you dirty, crooked motherfu…!”
Bargaining: “Come on, man. You can cut me a deal, can’t you? You have a coupon or something?”
Depression: “sigh Sure wish I’d got one of those deals on a flat panel TV the Friday after Thanksgiving.”
Acceptance: "Well, I’m sure Battlestar Galactica will look just as good on a 13-inch black and white."

Huh, looks like I'm still in Denial.

D'oh! I'm sorry to hear that Brian. That was a magnificent TV. That just sucks it.
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