Sunday, February 04, 2007


Brutally Cold.

That’s what the onscreen graphic actually said about Chicago’s weather today. As I write this it is negative 6 degrees. That’s not the wind chill. The actual temperature is -6.

Brutally Cold. Think about that. Think about what the weatherman is trying to tell us about this weather. This is the type of weather that, if you see it walking towards you, cross the street. This weather will do things to you… prison-type things. You can’t just scrub the effects of this weather away with a series of hot showers: it’s emotionally damaging as well as physically.

Brings to mind a line from Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. “You know that sound when you walk around with your keys in your pocket. Yeah, that’s what every man sounded like today, whether he had keys or not.”

Bummer. It was around 70 and mostly sunny today in Austin. ;)

Yes,... I know... I'm an evil bastard.
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It might be nice and sunny where you live, but inside, your hearts are colder than Chicago's weather (currently 1).

I thought it went too far when the two of you orginized the Puppy and Cute Baby Kicking Club (PCBKC), but you just keep on going.
We do what we can.

Now, excuse me while I step outside in short sleeves and not immediately turn into a freeze-dried corpse.
Frostbite is known to build character.
Frostbite is known to build character.
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