Monday, June 04, 2007


What the Heck is a Mucus Plug?

Ever since we found out The Parasite is on the way, baby stuff seems to be popping up in all aspects of my life, including my most anticipated film of this summer being Knocked Up (especially after the disappointing Spiderman 3). Below are just a few examples.

Click to enlarge.

...and from The Onion

Those are completely hysterical. Don't worry, I'm sure your child will beat the odds and be a complete angel. Really...
Have you looked up episiotomy yet....scary stuff
Thanks a lot, Chip. For anyone else interested: click here. The illustration is my favorite part.

Jason, do you really think I'm capable of raising an angel... oh, sarcasm.

Yeah, I think an angel might be shooting too high. I'm personally hoping for a quiet nerd. Not an angry nerd, because they wind up shooting up schools... or writing books.
When you do the sono, they can also do a simple soul smear to detect good and evil. I'd recommend that (Although it didn't change our minds once we saw the results either time.)

And I'm pretty sure that the little one has the 'nerd' thing all wrapped up already. But they don't really have a reliable test for the detection of Early Onset Cylonism yet.
Actually, Cylonism is very easy to detect early by a simple test of whether the spine glows red or not...

can't believe you called me a nerd.
The problem lies in what you have to do to the tyke to get the spine to glow red. That's just wrong.
Brian, are you waiting for the birth before posting another entry? WTF??
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